Location details
business opportunities: AREVA NP Uddcomb 208.3km, Gunnebo Lifting 219.9km, Boilers, heaters and HRSG 220.0km, ITT Flygt AB 226.1km, Tranter International 226.7km, Lundin Oil AB 229.6km, Mann Tek 329.0km, Mann Tek Dry 329.0km, Protea 409.2km, Pharmadule Emtunga AB 409.3km
- Timezone:
- GMT+1 (Mar 03, 06:46)
- Country:
- Sweden, Europe
- Currency:
- Phone:
- +46 490 42525 (Open Skype)
- Fax:
- +46 490 42526
- E-mail:
- cjc@vli.se
- Web site:
- http://www.osterstroms.com/
Port details
- Water location:
- Baltic Sea (Sea)
- Wiki:
- Contribute to wiki
- Anchorage depth:
- 9.4m - 10m
- Cargo pier depth:
- 4.9m - 6.1m
- Oil terminal depth:
- 7.1m - 9.1m
- Dry dock:
- N/A
- Harbor size:
- Small
- Railway size:
- Small
- Harbor type:
- Coastal Breakwater
- Max size:
- Up to 500 feet in length
- Repairs:
- N/A
- Shelter:
- Excellent
Coordinates: 57°46′0.00″N 16°38′60.00″E