Location details
business opportunities: Al Iesaunited 84.4km, Gulf Drilling & Maintenance 100.6km, Safwan Petroleum Technologies Co WLL 100.6km, National Petroleum Services Company 102.0km, TECNA Arabia Company Ltd 301.3km, Industrial Energy Company 360.7km, Saudi Aramco 373.7km, Shuwayer Corporate Services for Saudi Arabia 375.1km, PSCO 376.4km, Al-Mutawa Samyong NDT Co. Ltd.(AMSYCO) 376.8km
- Timezone:
- GMT+3 (Oct 08, 20:26)
- Country:
- Iran, Asia
- Currency:
- Phone:
- +98 632 4224096 (Open Skype)
- Fax:
- +98 632 4213422
- E-mail:
- Web site:
- http://khport.ir/
Port details
- Water location:
- Shatt al Arab River (River)
- Wiki:
- Contribute to wiki
- Anchorage depth:
- 6.4m - 7.6m
- Cargo pier depth:
- 4.9m - 6.1m
- Oil terminal depth:
- N/A
- Dry dock:
- Small
- Harbor size:
- Medium
- Railway size:
- Small
- Harbor type:
- River Natural
- Max size:
- Up to 500 feet in length
- Repairs:
- Limited
- Shelter:
- Good
Coordinates: 30°25′60.00″N 48°10′60.00″E