Port of Kaba Burnu, Turkey

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From:Port of Kaba Burnu, Turkey

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Suggestions (popular ports):
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Port of Annaba, Algeria
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Port of Santos, Brazil

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Port of Kaba Burnu, Turkey:

Location details

business opportunities: Basaran Marine Repairing & Engineering 30.2km, MAVI DENIZ Environmental 30.2km, AETES ELECTRONICS LTD 50.2km, Seapart Ltd 50.8km, Armada Shipping Logistics and Trading Ltd Co 59.7km, EKSEN GROUP METALS AND STEEL DIVISION 65.7km, Meke Marine Environmental Protection Services Ltd. 66.2km, APL Petroleum 66.3km, PAN air&seafreight;: Your Local Contact in Turkey 80.5km, 2M KABLO CABLE CO. 98.4km

GMT+2 (Dec 13, 12:38)
Turkey, Asia

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Port details

Water location:
Sea of Marmara (Sea)
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Anchorage depth:
20.1m - 21.3m
Cargo pier depth:
9.4m - 10m
Oil terminal depth:
4.9m - 6.1m
Dry dock:
Harbor size:
Very Small
Railway size:
Harbor type:
Coastal Natural
Max size:
Over 500 feet in length

Coordinates: 40°46′0.00″N 29°31′60.00″E

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