




In August 2002, NRL Meteorologist Mr. Sam Brand and SAIC Meteorologist Mr. R. Glenn Handlers met or talked with the following persons to obtain much of the information in this evaluation: Captain Marina Antonio Piza Vela, Acapulco Captain of the Port; Captain Ricardo Rochin Ale, Senior Pilot and Captain Miguel Dugel Flores, Pilot Acapulco; and Mr. Jean Paul Valtorta, Husbandry Agent. In addition, the Captain of the Port and Port Pilots provided significant assistance by providing answers to a tropical cyclone questionnaire, as well as charts and diagrams of the Port of Acapulco harbor facilities. Mr. C. J. Neumann, SAIC, Monterey, CA provided the tropical cyclone climatology data used in this evaluation. Ms. Cynthia Karengin converted the port study into electronic format.

Source: http://www.nrlmry.navy.mil/port_studies/thh-nc/mexico/acapulc/text/pvi.htm

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