



In June, 2000, NRL Meteorologist Mr. Sam Brand and SAIC Meteorologist Mr. R. Glenn Handlers met with the following persons to obtain information in this evaluation: Capt. John L. Green, Commanding Officer Fleet Activities Okinawa; LT Andrew Chacko, Officer in Charge, NPMOD Okinawa; LT Barbara Carter, Port Services Officer, QM1 Lawrence Bright, QMC Gary Erickson, and Seibin Mazuru, White Beach Naval Facility, Okinawa; CDR Dorian F. Jones, ACOS Operations N3, COMPHIBGRU ONE, Okinawa; and LCDR Tricia A. Vislay, Commanding Officer, and OSCS Lance Jenkins, Military Sealift Command Office, Naha Military Port, Okinawa. In addition, Mr. Charles Neumann, SAIC Miami, FL, provided the tropical cyclone climatology data and figures; Mr. Richard Gilmore, SAIC, Oak Harbor, WA, provided the final Buckner Bay tropical cyclone figures used in this evaluation; and Ms. Cynthia Karengin, SAIC, Inc., provided the coding and site design for transition to electronic format.

Source: http://www.nrlmry.navy.mil/port_studies/thh-nc/japan/naha/text/pvi.htm

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