Location details
business opportunities: Kermaz 31.4km, SLCE Watermakers 114.9km, International Consultancy in E&P; and Mining 133.1km, MeteoStrategy 146.5km, Saltel Industries 178.3km, Cobbold Consulting 193.0km, Pyropress Engineering Co Ltd 200.2km, Hydrabotix 202.8km, Auto Dynamic Positioning Services Ltd 203.0km, Freemac Marine & Drilling Recruitment 204.4km
- Timezone:
- GMT+1 (Dec 22, 07:55)
- Country:
- France, Europe
- Currency:
- Phone:
- +33 2 96 92 30 19 (Open Skype)
- Fax:
- +33 2 96 92 29 25
- E-mail:
- portplaisance.treguier@wanadoo.fr
- Web site:
- http://www.ville-treguier.fr/
- Transport & Infrastructure
- Name: Patrick LEWEURS, Director
E-mail: LEWEURSPatrick@cg22.fr
Phone: +33 2 96 62 62 75
Fax: +33 2 96 61 48 16 - Director
- Name: Alain LEROUX, D.E.G.
E-mail: alain.leroux@cotesdarmor.cci.fr
Phone: +33 2 96 78 62 15
Fax: +33 2 96 78 51 30 - Harbour Master
- Name: Pierre DEBOIS
E-mail: Pierre.Debois@equipement.gouv.fr
Phone: +33 2 96 33 35 41
Fax: +33 2 96 61 46 94
Port details
- Water location:
- English Channel (Channel)
- Wiki:
- Contribute to wiki
- Anchorage depth:
- 23.2m - OVER
- Cargo pier depth:
- 7.1m - 9.1m
- Oil terminal depth:
- N/A
- Dry dock:
- N/A
- Harbor size:
- Very Small
- Railway size:
- N/A
- Harbor type:
- River Natural
- Max size:
- Up to 500 feet in length
- Repairs:
- Limited
- Shelter:
- Fair
Coordinates: 48°46′60.00″N 3°13′60.00″W