


Lautoka has a 6.2 ft (1.9 m) extreme tidal range. The springs rise 4.9 ft (1.5 m) and the neaps 3.9 ft (1.2 m).

A Tidal gauge is located at Queen's Wharf.

In the vicinity of the Fiji Islands, currents in any direction may be experienced, but there is some preponderance of west over east currents particularly in the months from September to November.

Between Viwa Island and Likuri Harbor the tidal current sometimes attains a rate of up to 2 kt off Navula Passage. Navula Passage is the initial entry point for the transit to the Port of Lautoka. Strong tidal rips have been observed in Navula Passage, especially at high water and low water. It has been reported that even with moderate weather vessels approaching Navula Passage have experienced a set to the northwest.

Tidal currents in the channel extending from Navula Passage to Tomba Ko Nandi are reported to run at a rate of 2 kt in a southwest direction 3 hours before high water to 3 hours after high water, and in a northeast direction from 3 hours after high water to 3 hours before high water.

The maximum velocity of the currents in the Port area is usually 1 kt, but they can reach higher velocities when affected by the wind. The currents always flow northwest.

Source: http://www.nrlmry.navy.mil/port_studies/thh-nc/fiji/lautoka/text/sect6.htm

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