Complan is focussed on the methodology of Project Completions through to Commissioning and handover to Operations. The company provides WinPCS - Project Completion System (PCS)- an electronic completions and certification systema or a Construction Management System (CMS). Complan has the expertise and systems to offer a complete Project Completion, Pre-Commissioning and Commissioning solutions for multi faceted engineering and disciplined Oil, Gas, Mining Petrochemical, Power Generation and all other complex Industrial projects.
Address and map location
Headquarters:P.O.Box 186 Nesbru, N-1378 Norway
Norway, Europe
Around: Borholmen Harbor, Port of Brønnøya Langara , Port of Holmen, Port of Høvikodden, Port of KalvøyaAndy Davies Caenwood House Ashtead Wood Rd Ashtead, Surrey, KT212EN United Kingdom
United Kingdom, Europe
Around: Port of Gravesend, Port of London, Port of Tilbury, Purfleet Thames Terminal (PTT), Shoreham PortTom Gysler +61 (08) +61 (08) P.O.Box 155 45 Shenton St. Perth, , WA 6003 Australia
Australia, Oceania
Around: Casuarina Boat Harbour, Mandurah Ocean Marina, Port Kennedy, Port Kwinana, Port of Fremantle (Perth)
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