Tysons Oil and Energy


Tysons, a technology leader, has been committed to human and environmental safety for 185 years. Long known for the highest standards in the construction industry, in 1977 Tysons expanded into E&P;, oil and gas distribution and marketing. Manufacturers of line pipe, pump and compressor stations, mini-and full scale refineries and power plants, Tysons also installs and operates production and transport facilities. Currently involved in major projects in the Caspian, Europe, Middle East, and Russia, Tysons invests heavily in technology to dramatically reduce E&P; costs, minimize environmental impact, and optimize all stages, including mature fields. Tysons works in joint venture with important companies, bringing value through advanced technology and significant geo-economic expertise. One of the world's first companies to provide housing, education and benefits for workers in the 1800?s, today Tysons continues that exemplary tradition of care.

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