"Shipcare Services srl", with head office in Constanta Romania, managed by an experienced team either on board or at office ashore with excellent knowledge of our client?s needs and the International Regulations of the certification of the personnel, is a legal, certified and licensed organization according to the Romanian Law, in order to cover our clients demands in crew needs with Romanian personnel.
Our company deploys workers, for Shipyards, Oil Rigs and Energy sector.
Our mission is to ensure providing large groups of highly skilled trades in a short period of time in various locations worldwide in order to offer the best level of services for our client?s performance.Our services cover all phases of offshore oil and gas exploration, development and production.
Our clients are involved in Petrol-chemicals, Oil & Gas, Power sector, Heavy Engineering, Construction, Maintenance, Catering and Manufacturing business.
Address and map location
Headquarters:2, N.Iorga Str. Constanta, 900622 Romania
Romania, Europe
Around: Constanta Sud (Constanţa South Container Terminal), Port of Agigea, Port of Constanta (Constantza), Port of Năvodari (Navodari), Port of Ovidiu
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