DIETSMANN operations & maintenance European leader


Dietsmann conducts business in more than 30 countries, employs 2500 professional personnel.
Operational success of an enterprise does not only depend on design and construction of the industrial facilities, but also on the efficient organisation of production and maintenance activities.
Dietsmann offers quality solutions to ensure maximum plant output at the lowest cost, coupled with strict environment and safety standards. Our world-wide organisation provides clients, with state-of-the-art operations and maintenance solutions, technical assistance to operations, on-the-job professional training and technology transfer support.
The development of Dietsmann over the years is characterised by a business vision manifested in several successful acquisitions that have grown considerably since Dietsmann acquired them by exploiting the integrated business network of the group. Strong vision, acquisition, integration and internal growth are all key words in the development of Dietsmann.

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