3P Services offers in-line inspection (ILI) services for both onshore and offshore pipelines. Various inspection techniques are applied on-board "intelligent pigs", which measure different integrity parameters while being pumped through the pipeline together with the product. Pipelines are inspected for metal loss (such as internal and external corrosion), mechanical deformations and other features without interrupting the transportation process. In-line pipeline inspection tools 3P Services has a well-proven range of in-line pipeline tools covering the following categories: Magnetic flux leakage (MFL) high-resolution tools from 2in in diameter and larger; this is the classical tool to locate both internal and external metal loss such as corrosion Direct magnetic response (DMR) tools to inspect for internal local metal loss in pipelines of 2in in diameter and larger, regardless of the wall thickness GEO (high-resolution and multi-channel geometric) tools to identify discontinuities of the internal geometry (including dents and ovalities) of pipelines of 2in in diameter and larger XYZ mapping available on any of the tool types Buckle preventors for real-time geometric inspection during offshore pipe lay Bi-directional riser inspection HandyScan: external MFL scanner equipment, sales and support; test heads from 2in and larger; tank floor scanners for bottom, wall and roof Inspection technology for unpiggable pipelines 3P concentrates on applying its inspection technologies in pipelines that are considered to be difficult or impossible to pig. Our unique modular design philosophy means that we tailor-make the inspection tools that we will use in nearly every inspection project. Some examples of these special applications include the following: Bi-directional tools for pump-in/pump-out operation in single-access pipeline situations GEO tools that negotiate, determine and measure mitred bends MFL tools that can negotiate short radius elbows, for example 4in pipeline and 1.5D-90° bends DMR tools to inspect small-diameter pipelines with heavy walls WAX tools to measure thickness of paraffin or other sedimentation Multi-diameter lines Lines with difficult and mitred bends Difficult flow conditions Small diameter inspections Bi-directional pipeline inspection 3P Services has developed a unique technology to achieve inspection of pipelines, which are only accessible at one end: bi-directional pipeline inspection. Every inspection technology 3P Services offers can be applied on a bi-directional inspection tool. These tools are typically multi-dimensional with short bend radius capability. Bi-directional pipeline inspection tools are free swimming: they do not require a tether. They are launched and received at the same point. They are free to negotiate a series of 1.5D bends and have a range more than enough for the longest stretch from a beach to a subsea pipeline end manifold (PLEM). The bi-directional inspection technique is widely used in marine loading lines which have not been made for pigging. A typical marine terminal pipeline connects a shore-based installation, such as a refinery or tank farm, to a PLEM. There is no access to the subsea end of the line to either insert or retrieve a pig, thus calling for a bi-directional inspection. Subsea pipeline inspection For more than two decades, 3P has developed this application with many successful applications. The experience we have gained allows us to provide a great deal of assistance to operators considering their first inspection of their sub-sea pipeline. Heavy wall pipeline inspection There are several operational environments where in-line pipeline inspection using MFL or UT technology is not feasible. To accommodate the special requirements for heavy wall pipeline inspection, 3P Services has developed the Direct Magnetic Response (DMR) Sensor. This technology offers high-resolution internal inspection of pipelines.
Address and map location
Headquarters:3P Services GmbH, Lenzfeld 9, Lingen, 49808, Germany
Germany, Europe
Around: Port of Leer, Port of Oldenburg, Port of Oldersum, Port of Papenburg, Port of Zwolle
Business categories
Pipeline Inspection and Maintenance
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