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Europe » Norway
Independent Institute of Polymer Plastics Technology
phone: +47-3557-8000 fax: +47-3557-8124 email: henning.baann@norner.no web: Norner on YouTube
phone: +4799202563 email: tjeldbergodden@gacworld.com
phone: +4737044800 email: chartering@tpshipping.no
phone: +4755239600 email: starbgn@griegstar.com
phone: +4723010400 email: winje@winmar.no
Pipeline Inspection and Maintenance
phone: +47-51443240 fax: +47-51443241 email: tdwoffshore@tdwilliamson.com web: www.tdwoffshore.com
phone: +4733018080 email: agency.slagen@grieg.no
phone: +4755576860 email: gl.tromso@grieg.no
phone: +4767152266 email: agency@irjb.no
phone: +4722582200 email: oslo@clarksons.com
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