


In November 1997, NRL Meteorologist Mr. Sam Brand and SAIC Meteorologist Mr. R. D. Gilmore met with the following persons to obtain much of the information contained in this evaluation: Jim Davidson, Supervising Meteorologist, and Senior Meteorologist Jeff Callaghan, Severe Weather Section, Bureau of Meteorology Regional Office, Queensland (Qld) Weather Services, Brisbane, Qld; Mr. Ross Keith, Meteorologist in Charge and Senior Supervisor Denis Hakanson, Bureau of Meteorology, Townsville, LCD; Captain Richard C. Johnson, Regional Harbor Master, Townsville, Qld; and Larry Hore, Senior Engineer, Townsville Port Authority, Townsville, Qld, Australia; Townsville pilot David Turner provided additional sortie decision-making information; Mr. C. J. Neumann, SAIC, Monterey, CA provided the tropical cyclone climatology data used in this evaluation; Ms. Cynthia Orander, SAIC, Monterey, CA provided the HTML coding and site design for transition to electronic format.

Source: http://www.nrlmry.navy.mil/port_studies/thh-nc/australi/townsvil/text/pvi.htm

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