Your interest and consideration of our organization will provide a unique opportunity to review some of the finest quality personnel, effectively supporting our Clients' needs. Our areas of involvement include design review, certification, purchasing, fabrication, assembly, testing, installation, start-up, and maintenance phases of both onshore and offshore type projects globally.
Address and map location
Headquarters:11811 North Freeway Suite 600 Houston, TX 77060 United States
Around: Port of Deer Park, Port of Houston, Port of Texport, Port of Texport, Sinco Pipeline System and Colex-Pasadena Terminal4 Dukes Court Wellington Street Luton, LU1 5AF, United Kingdom
Around: Maldon Harbour, Port of Gravesend, Port of London, Port of Tilbury, Purfleet Thames Terminal (PTT)1-11 Commercial Avenue 2nd Floor Commercial House Yaba-Logos, N/A Nigeria
Business categories
Project ManagementQuality Management
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