WellWork Ltd is an independant Occupational Health provider working throughout the Uk. Our Occupational Health Physicians and nurses provide pre-placement medicals, Lead , Asbestos, Radiation Oil and Gas medicals, seafarer medicals, confined spaces, breathing apparatus, fit for duty medicals, health surveillance , audiometry, respiratory, Havs , vision testing,. We also provide advice on all health conditions that relate to work - work place assessments, drug and alcohol testing, ill health retirements.
Address and map location
Headquarters:Wingrove House Ponteland Rd Newcastle upon Tyne, NE5 3DE United Kingdom
Around: Port of Blyth, Port of Seaham, Port of Sunderland, Port of Tyne, Seaton Sluice HarbourShirley Law Woodside House Woodside Place Glasgow, G3 7QF United Kingdom
Around: Bowling Harbour, Glasgow Harbour, Old Kilpatrick and Bowling Harbour , Port of Renfrew, Rothesay DockDenise Pacey 21 Newland Lincoln, LN1 1XG United Kingdom
Around: Gainsborough Harbour, Grove Wharf Harbour, Gunness Harbour, Neap House Wharf, Port of KeadbyDiane Harris Port of Liverpool Building Pier Head Liverpool, L3 1DA United Kingdom
Around: Birkenhead Harbour, Port of Bromborough (Mersey Wharf), Port of Garston , Port of Greenfield Dock, Port of MostynShirley Law Hay Park Business Centre Marchmont Avenue Polmont, FK2 0NZ United Kingdom
Around: Blackness Harbour, Brucehaven Harbour, Limekilns Harbour, Port of Grangemouth, Port of Rosyth
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