Watchman was incorporated in 2005 although the Watchman product has been on the market since 2001 through our sister company. Watchman has developed an extensive range of Traffic cameras for use in both the public and private sectors. Working with the Police and Local Govermment a number of schemes have been installed throughout the UK resulting in significant reductions in accidents and casulties. Our range of Number Plate Recognition cameras has been developed with the goal of giving our customers total management control over traffic movements in, out and within their sites. This has a direct effect in the areas of Security and Health and Safety.
Address and map location
Headquarters:Broadgate Chadderton Oldham, OL16 4QS United Kingdom
United Kingdom, Europe
Around: Manchester Ship Canal, Port of Bromborough (Mersey Wharf), Port of Garston , Preston Marina, Salford Quays
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