Founded in 1991 as a resource and solutions provider in electronic and communications and navigation, Trionics, Inc. continues to successfully grow as a global source of products and systems for both the offshore and onshmarkets. In addition to what was our core focus in thoff-shore marine area, we now encompass oil and gas, both off and on-shore, Heat Treating, Dairy & Food Industries, Laboratories and Manufacturing facilities,offering both products and solutions while performingas a recognized Single Source provider.
Our growth is representative of the trust our customers have placed in us resulting in our expansion to include more products and markets to serve. We invite you to visit the extensive listings of manufacturers that we represent, and equipment for which we provide products. Our three areas of expertise are in Electronic Systems and Supplies, Industrial Systems and Supplies, and Offshore Drilling Rig Systems and Supplies.
With more than
Address and map location
Headquarters:16910 Texas Avenue Suite A8 webster, TX 77598 United States
United States, North America
Around: Barbours Cut Container Terminal, Norsworthy, Pasadena Harbor, Port of Jacintoport, Sinco Pipeline System and Colex-Pasadena Terminal
Business categories
Marine Supply BaseSourcing & ProcurementElectrical
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