Terrington delivers innovative, proven software that enables its users to collect and manage data far more efficiently. Our software systems facilitate regulatory compliance whilst increasing efficiency and improving profitability.
Products include:
IndEx, designed to enhance efficiency of ATEX 137 inspections. IndEx creates paperless inspections through a set of data entry forms for all explosion protection types, schedules, audit and reporting functions.
FisCal Engineer and FisCal Monitor, the premier flow metering calibration and instrument tracking tool which optimises maintenance, reduces costs and maintains integrity of meters.
Transform, user configurable software which enables its users to quickly develop mobile applications with ease, combining traditional off-the-shelf benefits with the flexibility of bespoke solutions.
Address and map location
Headquarters:IT Centre, York Science Park Heslington York, YO10 5DG United Kingdom
United Kingdom, Europe
Around: Blacktoft Jetty, Burton-upon-Stather Harbour (Kings Ferry Wharf), Port of Goole, Port of Howdendyke, Port of Selby
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