Status Scientific Controls Ltd design, manufacture and market a range of high quality portable gas detectors, personal gas monitors, fixed gas detectors, monitoring and control units and sampling systems for both hazardous and non-hazardous areas.
The products use the very latest gas sensor technology, including miniature infrared gas sensors which are enhanced by the use of the very latest microcomputer electronics and bespoke applications software.
Many thousands of our gas monitoring systems are in daily use by major companies throughout the world in industries such as Oil, Gas, Petrochemicals, Water, Electricity, Civil Engineering, Tunneling, Telecommunications, Ships etc.
Address and map location
Headquarters:Kingsmill Way Mansfield Nottinghamshire, NG18 5ER United Kingdom
United Kingdom, Europe
Around: Gainsborough Harbour, Grove Wharf Harbour, Gunness Harbour, Neap House Wharf, Port of Keadby
Business categories
Environmental MonitoringAnalysers
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