To lower your operating cost and, better manage your diesel/gas fuel we offer "SOFTFUEL". Unit will lower fuel usage and, lower exhaust emissions without using chemicals or, additives. Unit removes the electric charge from the micron of salts and, metals in the fuel. Units acts like an water softener. Requires no hard wiring, no moving parts! Units are sized off the h.p. of the engine or, the flow rated of the engine fuel pump. Most units aveage less than one (1) year return on investment. Expected service life in excess of fifty (50) years.
Address and map location
Headquarters:6447 Spencer Ave., St. Louis, MO 63133-1917 United States
Around: Port of Centralia, Port of Jefferson County, Port of New Bourbon, Port of St. Louis, Port of Tri-city
Business categories
Drilling & Well ServicesLand DrillingDirectional Drilling
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