Smith Fiberglass Products offers nine standard piping systems in sizes from 1-inch through 48-inch diameters and temperatures to 275 degrees F. Pipe is manufactured by the filament-winding process using fiberglass strands and thermosetting resin. New CYONYX pipe is manufactured by centrifugal casting.
Address and map location
Headquarters:2700 West 65th Street Little Rock, AR 72209 United States
United States, North America
Around: Port Of Memphis, Port of Benton, Port of Greenville, Port of Little Rock, Port of Rosedale(0451) (0451) 32 Gongbin Road Xinxiangfang, Xiangfang District Harbin, 150038 China
(316) (316) 2501 South West Street Wichita, KS 67217 United States
United States, North America
Around: Port of Garfield, Port of Grandview, Port of Kansas City, Port of St. Joseph, Tulsa Port of Catoosa
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