SMCL is one of Europe's leading HR management consultancies. We specialise in the development of people-management strategies for companies aiming to achieve market-leading performance, and work mainly, but not exclusively, with the international energy industries. We regularly work with companies who pusue strategies which have no precedent in their industry. We undertake all assignments from concept, and from the perspective of the clients' business needs rather than with deference to any particular HR ideologies. Assignments may consist of a single activity, using one element from our service range (such as an Executive Search assignment to fill a key senior appointment) or an integrated project (such as a corporate reorganisation or the creation of a new venture company), utilising a combination of services.
Address and map location
Headquarters:2 Queen Anne's Gate Buildings Dartmouth Street London, SW1H 9BP United Kingdom
United Kingdom, Europe
Around: Port of Gravesend, Port of London, Port of Tilbury, Purfleet Thames Terminal (PTT), Rochester Harbour
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