SEEWOLF Enterprises Ltd. is a privately held, Yukon corporation based in Dawson City, specializing in environmental protection and cleanup services. The major activities are oil spill cleanups on land or water. In addition spill containment and spill prevention products are also part of the product line. The primary focus is bioremediation. SEEWOLF Enterprises Ltd. is committed to meeting the needs of the North's expanding environmental awareness brought about by new legislation. SEEWOLF Enterprises Ltd. is applying techniques successfully tested and used in Canada and other parts of the world and which were researched and adapted to the northern climate.
Address and map location
Headquarters:Box 1576 Dawson City, Y0B 1G0 Canada
Around: Port of Shepard Point, Port of Nenana, Port of Valdez , Swanport Harbor
Business categories
Pollution Control & Prevention
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Contact SEEWOLF Enterprises Ltd. Environmental Protection
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