S.E.A. Hydropower Pte Ltd, Singapore, is a leading manufacturer of Hydraulic Cylinders in Asia Pacific. With its continuous drive for quality and innovation, S.E.A Hydropower has emerged as an established supplier of Hydraulic cylinders to a wide range of industries including oil & Gas, marine, material handling, waste management, agricultural, infrastructure and other mobile equipment applications. S.E.A Hydropower partnership with Bailey International U.S.A., specialization in manufacture of large-bore cylinders, strong knowledge base in application-specific and customized design, and state-of-the-art manufacturing facility places it in the forefront of the Global Fluid power industry. Please feel free to visit our website or email to for more information.
Address and map location
Headquarters:95, Pioneer Road Singapore, 639578 Singapore
Singapore, Asia
Around: Port of Tanjung Pelepas, Jurong Port, Pulau Ayer Chawan, Pulau Merlimau, Pulau Pesek (Poelau Pisi)
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