Schenker Watermakers UK Ltd are Distributors for a large range of desalination systems from 5 different manufacturers, product outputs from 15 to 5,700 litres per hour,AC,DC and Engine driven models, full technical advice available, shipping worldwide.We also distribute the Full range of highly innovative tools by TOOLOVA including"SHOOTIT" wire and rod cutter as well as the excellent range of small,3-16kVA, watercooled gensets by PAGURO.
Address and map location
Headquarters:Prae Wood Farm Barn Prae Wood Farm,Hermel Hempstead Road, St.Albans, Hertfordshire, AL3 6AA United Kingdom
United Kingdom, Europe
Around: Maldon Harbour, Port of Gravesend, Port of London, Port of Tilbury, Purfleet Thames Terminal (PTT)
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