Based in Aberdeen, Sand Monitoring Services (SMS) Ltd is a specialist company providing a range of tailored sand monitoring and engineered sand solutions to the oil and gas industry. SMS Ltd?s range of services includes sand monitoring for well test, work over & UBD field operations and online sand system project engineering. SMS?s range of services helps client to optimise production whilst minimising risk through active monitoring of produced sand face solids.
Address and map location
Headquarters:Riverview Business Centre, Centurion Court, North Esplanade West, Aberdeen, AB 11 5QH United Kingdom
John Dunn 2500 CityWest Blvd. Suite 300 Houston, TX 77042 United States
United States, North America
Around: Port of Deer Park, Port of Houston, Port of Texport, Port of Texport, Sinco Pipeline System and Colex-Pasadena Terminal
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