Corrosion control specialists, providing engineering, consulting, failure analysis/expert witness testimony, laboratory analysis, corrosion surveys, training, as well as NACE trained and certified inspectors. Underwater Engineering services are also available, offering coating and construction services. Overall, Pinney services include complete project management, from design and specifications to project oversight and administration in the industrial, marine, and DOT arenas. The firm also distributes a complete line of coating inspection equipment along with selected safety equipment. Computer software used in asset protection and maintenance painting operations is also available in "Painting Activities Planner" a windows driven program capable of tracking and monitoring an infinite number of components in various levels of detail.
Address and map location
Headquarters:1326 SW Biltmore St. Port St. Lucie, FL 34983 United States
United States, North America
Around: Hollywood Harbor, Port of Everglades, Port of Fort Pierce, Port of Palm Beach, Tropic Isle Harbor
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