The Indonesian company who have professional standard services such as shipping agency, customs clearance, freight forwarding, ware housing, indland transportation, tug & Barge, crew boat and LCT and man power supply for Oil & Gas Industries.
Address and map location
Headquarters:Komp.Purnama sentosa B 9,10 & 11 Jl.Gorontalo IV/C3,Tg.Priok-Jakarta Batam Island, 29432 Indonesia
Moh.Toha Jl.Jend.Sudirman Komp.Ruko Bandar C 22 East Kalimantan, 76112 Indonesia
Chairulnan Jl.Dipenogoro No.15 Tarempa - Natuna, 29422 Indonesia
Chairulnan Jl.Dipenogoro No.15 Tarempa - Natuna, 29422 Indonesia
Yubsen Barakati Komp.Bintan Center Blok D 8, Jl.DI Panjaitan Km IX Tanjung Pinang - Bintan, 29444 Indonesia
Business categories
CharterFreight ForwardersSupply & Crew Boat
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