Years of innovative research have resulted in the development of more than twenty unique foam concentrates, protein and synthetic-based, adapted to a wide range of international fire-fighting requirements. Profoam has developed a full range of protein and synthetic-based foam compounds to fight all types of hydrocarbon and polar solvent fires. These include fluoroprotein, protein, class A, Hi-Ex synthetic, film forming (AFFF, FFFP) and AR foams. What sets us apart from many of our competitors is having a substantial production facility (200m³ daily production capacity), ensuring we can back up our technical service with adequate supplies of foam concentrate. By formulating foam products for specific applications and particular installations, Profoam ensures the highest levels of technical assistance. Our fully-equipped analysis laboratory, fire test field, operator training rooms and a research and development department complete the production unit. Protein-based foam compounds For the oil industry in general and storage tank fire protection in particular, we recommend the use of protein-based foam compounds - fluoroprotein (PROFLON-FP), FFFP (PROFLEX), AR-FP (PROVEX AR), AR-FFFP (PROFLEX AR) - as they provide superior burn-back resistance, as well as being kinder to the environment. In places where seawater is used for firefighting, such as offshore platforms, certain refineries and shipyards, protein foam compounds work more effectively with sea water than synthetic foams. Major international petrochemical companies have used our products in their depots, refineries and chemical process. Permanent warehousing of large quantities of both intermediate and finished product ensures immediate availability of every variety of foam concentrate. Flexible foam concentrate production system Located at the heart of the European continent, near the port of Genoa and Milan airport, Profoam has the capacity to supply, in cases of emergency, critical amounts of foam concentrates in the minimum amount of time. The flexibility of our production system is a key factor in growing our sales, as new and existing customers alike seek a supplier capable of producing high-quality products in the shortest possible time. Environmentally-friendly foam concentrates Profoam is particularly concerned about protecting the environment. We formulate our foam concentrates with surfactants that do not contain either PFOS (perfluoro octane sulfonate) or PFOA (perfluoro octane acid). Our R&D department makes a concerted effort to utilise chemical products that have no environmental impact. In our production process, water used for cleaning and treatment of waste and chemical residues are subject to re-processing, ensuring that all discharges meet with environmental protection guidelines and regulations. For a cleaner environment, Profoam promotes the use of protein-based foam concentrates. Derived from natural products, proteins are more quickly biodegradable and due to their inherent properties and do not require the use of environmentally harmful glycol additives, which are necessary in synthetic-based foams especially for low-temperature use. Outstanding production capacity, quality products, know-how and reliability distinguish Profoam as the universal leader of foam manufacturers, giving the professional end user the quality assurance they need where matters of safety are paramount. Responsible for worldwide sales, Profoam has been established in Paris, where an experienced team assists and advises international end users in the correct choice of foam compounds.
Address and map location
Headquarters:Profoam, 22 Av. Rene Coty, Paris, 75014, France
France, Europe
Around: Port Victor, Port d'Issy-les-Moulineaux, Port de l'Arsenal, Port of Alfortville, Port of Clichy
Business categories
Fire-Fighting Foam Concentrates
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