Petro Chemical Offshore Supplies Ltd was formed in 1979 to supply equipment to the Oil and Gas industry. The principal business at the time was design and manufacture of rig based winch, compressor & pump packages. With Ingersoll Rand products forming the backbone of our company's products, the business has developed to support many aspects of the compressed air market. We are able to supply Hoists, Winches, diaphragm & centrifugal Pumps. Rotary and Reciprocating Compressors, Compressed Dryers. To name but a few.
Address and map location
Headquarters:108 Blackhorse Lane London, E17 6AA United Kingdom
United Kingdom, Europe
Around: Port of Gravesend, Port of London, Port of Tilbury, Purfleet Thames Terminal (PTT), Rochester Harbour
Business categories
HoistingAir CompressorsCentrifugal Pumps
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