Pressure Dynamic Consultants (PDC Machines, Inc.) is a world leader in the design, engineering, manufacture, installation, commissioning, service, and support of equipment for the chemical, petrochemical, pharmaceutical and specialty gas industries. We manufacture diaphragm compressors which are ideal for compressing hydrogen at pressures and purity needed for fuel cell applications. Many well known companies active in this field such as Stuart Energy, Air Products, Proton, Plug Power, BOC have been using our compressors for bus filling, commercial and residential vehicle fills, cylinder storage, power generation, telecommunications and off-loading from tube trailers.
Address and map location
Headquarters:1875 Stout Drive Warminster, PA 18974 United States
United States, North America
Around: Port of Burlington, Port of Camden, Port of Morrisville, Port of Pennsauken, Trenton
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