Ocean Hover was set up to exploit opportunities for hovercraft with particular emphasis on the international oil and gas industry. The hovercraft proposed and the service provided relies upon designers, builders and operators with a long history and proven track record of meeting and exceeding the expectations of their Customers in the harshest of environments.oilfield, hovercraft, eer, emergency, evacuation, rescue, acv, air, cushion, vehicle, marine, security, hostile, harsh, environments, hover, craft, sour, rapid, response, ferry, logistics, arctic, freight, oil, gas, petroleum, petrochemical, hazardous, oilspill
Address and map location
Headquarters:2 Cardinals Terrace Broad Street Ely, CB7 4GE United Kingdom
United Kingdom, Europe
Around: Port of Boston, Port of Fosdyke, Port of King's Lynn, Port of Sutton Bridge, Wisbech Harbour
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