Nimue software aims to put the project team or the project supplier in complete control of their data. Our products have been designed to provide easy access to record data without laying the burden for this at the door of engineers - we call it 'empowerment'.
Because we all work differently, easy-to-use data downloads provide one solution, whilst the suitability for multi-tasking of at least two of our systems provides another option. As projects are completed, Nimue's archiving system makes project data accessible for client and team alike.
With Nimue Software, you are always in control, no matter how tough the environment!
Address and map location
Headquarters:33 St Martins Walk Ely, Cambs, CB7 4QF United Kingdom
United Kingdom, Europe
Around: Port of Boston, Port of Fosdyke, Port of King's Lynn, Port of Sutton Bridge, Wisbech Harbour
Business categories
Project OptimizationPlanning & Project Mgmt
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