Nexans Norway


Nexans Norway is a manufacturer and supplier of advanced subsea products and services for the oil and gas industry. We offer engineering, manufacturing, qualification testing and installation. Direct electrical heating systems Nexans is the world's leading manufacturer of direct electrical heating (DEH) systems. We developed the DEH concept in cooperation with our partners during the 1990s and have produced approximately 90% of all DEH systems installed in the world today. DEH is a flow-assurance technology developed to safeguard the well stream through the flowline. It is an eco-friendly, chemical-free system which is field-proven through Nexans installations in the North Sea and around the world. Subsea umbilicals Nexans introduced the first static steel tube umbilical in 1993 and the first dynamic umbilical in 1995. We have supplied more than 2,600km of umbilicals, including a record-breaking length of 145km to Statoil's Snøhvit and umbilicals at an installation depth of 2,300m to Shell's Nakika. Nexans has completed over 70 umbilical projects worldwide. We work in accordance with ISO 13628-5 Umbilical Specification, which contains testing, third party and information requirements. In addition, there may be client-specific requirements which we are only too happy to meet. Submarine fibre-optic cables Submarine fibre solutions (SFS) connect local, regional and international networks. It is still the early stages of the digital era and the capacity of bandwidth is expected to expand even more. Nexans supplies fibre-optic cables with large numbers of fibres to allow our customers to meet the future demand. Our submarine fibre-optic cables can contain from two fibres upwards in a single cable, with 24 or 48 fibres typically covering most needs. Nexans has the world record for the number of fibres: 768 in a bundled cable. We have supplied more than 30,000km of fibre-optic cables worldwide. ROV cables Nexans is an established supplier of underwater cables to the international remotely operated vehicle (ROV) market, with supply to most of the major ROV manufacturers and operators. We focus on continuous improvement and innovation in materials and manufacturing processes. Our highly dynamic, torque-balanced, and compact cables are known for their reliability and robustness. We have designs for most standard ROVs, and develop systems for new applications to customer specifications. Our manufacturing capabilities include umbilicals for work and observation-class ROVs and trenchers, as well as deep-water umbilicals for up to 7,000m. Vehicles we have supplied: Triton XLS and XLX UHD Millennium Magnum SCV FCV TMRV Seismic cables Nexans supplies robust and reliable seismic and oceanographic cables to leading actors in the industry with a variety of cables for both towed and permanent bottom-laid systems. These include fibre-optic sensor array cables, backbone cables and dynamic riser cables. Power cables Nexans contributes to ensure the reliability and efficiency of many of the world's power generation and transmission / distribution networks. Our expertise ranges from securing steady supplies of copper and aluminium to designing high-performance products, providing installation and training support, and helping our clients to recycle safely and efficiently. Our energy and telecommunications cables and accessories are used at gas plants, hydroelectric installations and windfarms. Our local, national and international grid solutions include all technologies, including high-capacity overhead, extra-high-voltage cables and superconductivity. We have 1kV to 525kV energy and telecommunications accessories. Subsea cable trenching The CapJet trenching system has been developed to provide an efficient solution for protection of submarine power cables, umbilicals and pipelines based on the water jetting principle. CapJet has buried 8,000km of cable since 1976.

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