National Tank provides a full line of cathodic services such as: Smart Pig Tracking, Protection of Oil Field Production Facilities and Plants, Soil Resistivity Testing, Protection of Underground Tanks and Piping (Galvanic and Impressed Current), Protection of Above Ground Tank Bottoms (Galvanic and Impressed Current), Cathodic Protection Surveys, System Design, System Repair (NACE and State Certified Field Technicians), Trouble Shooting Existing Systems, Interference Current Studies, Right-of-way Acquisition and Clearing, Natural Gas Pipeline Protection, Material and Supplies, Rectifier Repair and Replacement, Utility Interference Coordination, Close Interval Surveys, Coating Evaluation, Pipeline Cleaning and Recoating, Continuity Testing, and Procedure and Manual Preparation (Operations and Maintenance)
Our personnel are also certified by The National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE).
National Tank & Monitoring, Inc. is a leader in environmental construction services. We specialize in unusual environmental tasks with key personnel trained in safety and job coordination. Our personnel are OSHA and MSHA trained. National Tank has had many years of experience in confined space entry, the installation and removal of underground and above ground storage tanks, vacuum truck services, leak detection, disposal services, monitoring systems, remediation and hazardous material handling.
Address and map location
Headquarters:4152 W 8370 S West Jordan, UT 84088 United States
United States, North America
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