NIR (near-infrared) analyzers, NMR (nuclear magnetic rezonance), physical properties ASTM-compatible analyzers and complete analyzer shelters. Process control automation, instrumentation and analyzer projects with turn-key delivery, support and training, since 1972.
Address and map location
Headquarters:Modcon House M.Boronshtein st, South Akko Ind.Park Akko, 24222 Israel
Dr. Namik Zeynalov Islam Safarli 45 Baku, A1009 Azerbaijan
Elina Bogomolov 145-157 St John Street, 2-floor London, EC1V 4PY United Kingdom
Dmitry Manevich 14 Bolshaya Novodmitrovskaya, korp 2, 3-floor offi Moscow, 127015 Russian Federation
Russia, Europe
Business categories
Oil AnalysisEnvironmental MonitoringAnalysers
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