Mihir Consulting is in the business of providing Engineering and Training Simulation, Automation and Control services to vendors and end users. Some of Mihir Consulting personnel have over 15 years of Dynamic Simulation and control experience.Mihir Consulting has provided efficient start-up/shut down of operating plant support, controls check out and quick emergency operations response training Services using Dynamic Simulation. We also provide plant commissioning and control system implementation support.veral of our engineers are familiar and proficient with popular simulation packages such as DynSim, ShadowPlant, UniSim, OTISS, Aspen, Hysis, SSPro, Pro/II, etc.
Address and map location
Headquarters:9898 Bissonnet St Suite#598F Houston, TX 77036 United States
United States, North America
Around: Port of Deer Park, Port of Houston, Port of Texport, Port of Texport, Sinco Pipeline System and Colex-Pasadena Terminal
Business categories
Simulation & ModelingTrainingEngineering
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