Founded in 1977 - LS Industries - Designer & manufacturer of metal cleaning equipment including abrasive blast cleaning systems, degreasing & finishing equipment, washing machines & water blasting equipment. Custom structural airless shot blast cabinets using conveyor & monorail systems, available in various sizes & shapes. Vibratory shakers & tumblers equipment. Other products include pressure, flow-through, industrial, jet spray & rotary washers, spray systems & aqueous infrared & batch ovens & gas & electric ovens, brake deliners & rubber belt blasters. Rim clean & refurbishing, pressure cylinder cleaning & powder coating equipment.
Address and map location
Headquarters:710 E 17th St Wichita, KS 67214 United States
United States, North America
Around: Port of Garfield, Port of Grandview, Port of Kansas City, Port of St. Joseph, Tulsa Port of Catoosa
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