Medgate has the industry's most advanced Occupational Health and Safety Software,used by leading corporations and government agencies ,hospitals and many Fortune 500 companies to cut costs , boost productivity and improve health and safety of their employees. We have over 20 years of proven experience working with workplace issues using state of the art,user friendly,Occupational Health and Safety , and intergrated disability management information tools.
Address and map location
Headquarters:PO BOX 7337 HOOK HAMPSHIRE, RG279ZZ United Kingdom
United Kingdom, Europe
Around: Chichester Harbour , Hamble Harbour, Langstone Harbour, Port of Southampton , Portsmouth Continental Ferry PortMarni Wiener 95 St Clair Ave West Suite 1700, Toronto, Ontario, M4V1N6 Canada
Business categories
SoftwareData & Asset MgmtBack Office
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