Bolt, Stud and Pin removal, 24 hr. Emergency response, international deployment, extensive Latin America experience. We use cutting edge machinery that is reliable, powerful and will get you back up in running - after all time is money! Our professional technicians are reliable, knowledgeable and adhere to the strictest safety and procedural standards. Some of our customers include Mitsubishi Power Systems, LADWP, Jet Blue Airlines, City of Long Beach, Enap Biobio Oil Refinery, Nexxo, S.A. and many more.
Address and map location
Headquarters:5847 E Mezzanine Way Long Beach, CA 90808 United States
United States, North America
Around: Channel Three, East Channel, Huntington Harbour, Port of Long Beach, Port of Los Angeles
Business categories
Drilling EquipmentWell Site MaintenanceRig Repair
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