IMV Projects Inc. is an energetic, client focused multi-discipline Engineering, Procurement and Construction Management (EPCM) company specializing in oil and gas facilities and pipelines. IMV Projects Inc. owns an engineering firm registered in the Republic of Kazakhstan, and has completed assignments in Kazakhstan and Russia for both North American and international clients. We can assist you with development, evaluation, execution and start-up of facilities that meet business strategies and objectives. IMV has the people, the tools and the work processes to provide efficient - engineering, procurement, construction management and operations support. IMV has a proven track record for executing EPCM services cost effectively and efficiently. With systems and database, IMV is able to provide services on a risk /reward basis if this is advantageous to you.
Address and map location
Headquarters:710, 500 - 4th Ave SW Calgary, AB, T2P 2V6 Canada
Around: Canyon Creek Harbour, Faust Harbour, Port of Pend Oreille
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