Greatland Solutions, LLC is a consulting company with headquarters in Denver, Colorado, USA. We provide value-added reservoir management services and training to the oil & gas industry world-wide. Our company?s growth and success are linked to our commitment to technical excellence and highest standards of client service. We use state-of-the-art industry standard software and technology to provide reservoir management consulting services including integrated reservoir studies, reservoir simulation, reservoir characterization, reservoir engineering, well testing and modern well production performance analysis. Our services also include
training and capacity building. We provide professional continuing education short courses,
lunch-and-learn seminars, workshops and capacity building services via competency-based training.
Address and map location
Headquarters:PO Box 3645 Greenwood Village, CO 80155 United States
Around:David Ogbe 1801 Broadway Suite 1060 Denver, CO 80202 United States
Business categories
Training & DevelopmentPetroleumConsultancy
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