Great Basin has served the Permian Basin in the oil and gas industry since 1982. Co-Founded by John and Joe Molina of McCamey, Texas. Great Basin has been family owned and operated since it's inception. Being dedicated to quality and integrity, Great Basin has thrived through the many ups and downs this industry has experienced for the last 30 years. Our services include workover rigs, consulting services, and kill truck services.
Address and map location
Headquarters:203 Blakeley San Antonio, TX 78209 United States
Around: Port of Corpus Christi, Port of Port Lavaca, Port of Victoria, Port of West Calhoun, RockportLucas Molina 432.561.9702 432.561.9758 4909 S. Cty. Rd. 1303 Odessa, TX 79765 United States
Around: Port of Santa Maria
Business categories
Drilling & Well ServicesPetroleumConsultancy
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