Global Drilling Fluids and Chemicals is today one of the LArge Chemical Manufacturers for the Oil Drilling Industry fulfilling the Chemical Need for the Drilling Industry world wide. Our Product range Includes Shale Satbilizers,Dispersants and Defloculants,Spotting Fluids, Surfactants,Defoamers, Drilling Detergents, Fluid Control Additives,Drilling Polymers,Viscosifiers,Pour Point Reducers,Emulsifyers,Corrision Inhibitors, gums and Starches .
Providing the customers a full range of Chemicals of the Highest Quality Staqndards at the Most Competitive Prices.
Address and map location
Headquarters:12/6 Mathura Road Faridabad,Haryana, 121003 India
India, Asia
Around: Port of Hazira, Port of Rawa (Surasenayanam) , Port of Redi, Port of Simar
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