Fast Lane is a Trucking Company that specializes in Hot Shot (Hotshot) Services outbound from Edmonton, Alberta and surrounding areas to Canada?s 4 Western Provinces.
We also specialize in B2B Business Trucking for Express Courier Services & Transportation of Light Oilfield Equipment, Construction Products & Equipment, Fabricated Metals, Structural Steel, Forestry, Mining, and Manufactured Products within Edmonton, Alberta and to outlying areas in movements of Regular, Rush, Direct Rush and Hot Shot (Hotshot) Cargo ranging from 1 lb. to 30,000 lbs. with our Fleet of Hotshot Gooseneck Trailers, 1 Ton Deck Trucks, and Pickups.
Address and map location
Headquarters:8415 - 69 Avenue Edmonton, Alberta, T6E 0R5 Canada
Canada, North America
Around: Canyon Creek Harbour, Faust Harbour, Joussard Harbour
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