EBT offers microbial based services to the energy and utility industries. We offer bioremediation services, geochemical surface surveys for oil exploration or field definition, and enhanced oil recovery using microbial products. EBT has completed over 3 million acreas of surface geochemical surveys in Canada and over 5 million acres worldwide, ranging from the Artic Circle in the Yukon to South American jungles. We have completed surveys in swamps, frozen tundra, and even offshore. Our results are highly accurate (74%) and economical for use in oil and gas exploration and field development.
Address and map location
Headquarters:969C Industrial Rd. San Carlos, CA 94070-4117 United States
Around: Ballena Bay, Petes Harbor, Port of Redwood City , Provincetown Harbor, Whaleman harbor
Business categories
Pollution Control & Prevention
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Contact Environmental BioTechnologies, Inc.
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