Elkhorn Holdings/Elkhorn Construction is a 100% Employee Owned Company and has multiple office and shop locations in Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas. Our employee base generally hovers between 1600 and 2000 employee. We have truly become a single-source Civil, Mechanical and Electrical General Contractor with over 24 years experience in the construction and maintenance of oil, natural gas, petrochemical facilities and other industrial natural resource applications. With additions of Dynamic Services Inc. that specialize in supply and erection of pre-engineered buildings, industrial insulation, painting and coatings, HOAD Inc., a full service fabrication company for the oil and gas industry and Eagle Pipeline Inc., specializing in gas gathering and distribution pipeline construction, one stop shop at Elkhorn is truer now than ever.
Address and map location
Headquarters:71 Allegiance Cir Evanston, WY 82930 United States
United States, North America
Around:Rick Lunsford 71 Allegiance Cir Evanston, WY 82930 United States
United States, North America
Business categories
Fabrication & ConstructionPressure VesselsPiping
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