EGS mission is to initiate revolutionary product development through innovative technology and a commitment to environmental awareness EGS develops, manufactures and distributes a line of technologically innovative products worldwide that will revolutionize the way many industries approach their business Using leading-edge technological advancement EGS has developed a line of high-performance drilling fluid systems & lubricant additives for drilling & mining operations including extended reach drilling Water-soluable requirements are addressed with EGSs Aqueous and Non-Aqueous formulas, both of which are non-flammable and eco-responsible EGSs core synthetic lubrication technology is non-toxic non-corrosive & non-flammable It is not harmful to the environment & does not contain PTFE copper graphite or any EPA targeted carbon chains associated with existing technology These fluids are formulated with a proprietary technological component that reacts to any combination of temperature pressure & friction that takes place between drill pipe & casing or drill pipe & formation while drilling These products lower NPT torque drag ECDs wear vibrations & stick-slip while increasing ROP & enhancing drilling performance
Address and map location
Headquarters:701 Robley Drive Suite 104 Lafayette, LA 70503 United States
Around: Port of Geismar, Port of Greater Baton Rouge, Port of Iberia, Port of Morgan City, Port of South Louisiana (St.James Parish)2850 Redhill Avenue Suite 210 Santa Ana, CA 92705 United States
Around: Channel Three, Dana Point Harbor, Huntington Harbour, Newport Beach Harbor & Marina, Port of Long Beach
Business categories
Drilling & ExplorationPetroleumDrilling
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