Cross Timbers acquires properties located in major producing areas of the United States. These properties typically have been productive for many years and are expected to produce oil and gas for many years to come (referred to as "long-lived" properties). We often acquire our properties from major oil companies. The advantage of acquiring properties of this type is that they have established production histories, which makes it much easier to forecast future production. In the early life of a well production is at its highest, but the rate of decline is very steep and difficult to estimate. Through this combination of acquiring mature onshore properties, in well established areas, from quality operators, Cross Timbers has a very stable, predictable base of production that will be economic for many years to come.
Address and map location
Headquarters:810 Houston St. Suite 2000 Fort Worth, TX 76102-6298 United States
Around: Port Shreveport Bossier, Port of Deer Park, Port of Houston, Port of Texport, Port of Texport
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